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Thought by some to be MANHATTENS REBORN, nothing could be further from the truth (yes, the owner used to work there, as did alot of his staff, but that's where the similarities end).

For starters they haven't lumped themselves into any one type of music, or employed one note DJ's who tell you your music taste is terrible (the reason I boycotted Manhattens for the last 3 years). This could be by choice, or due to fact that the resident DJ, seems to know EVERYONE there, and no request is too obscure (or too happy, seriously, this guy doesn't play anything dreary). And he seems to get away with it. the room is still 3/4 full at 4am, and you hear a genuine groan, when he flicks the lights on. He's there Friday and Saturday, which might put some people off, but each night is worlds apart (you won't hear the cheese on the Friday, and vice versa with the metal on a Saturday).

Admission is very cheap (even cheaper if you run into the guys giving out wristbands in the streets), and they let in way later than anyone else.

Once you get in, you might think you're back in Mannys, but you'll soon be put right (due to music you know and like at a decent level, and the fact that theirs no crappy home made cocktail "bar"). The bar staff seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves (again down to the music), you will often see them dancing and laughing. Drinks prices are decent, and some of the old Manhattens flavoured shots have found their way in, but as far as I can tell the owner has always made them for both venues.

The two things I did notice that might really appeal, is just how gay friendly the Saturday nights are (again, this could be due to the music policy, or just a lucky accident). At one point it had to be every 1 in 3 people, which might not sound alot, but for a venue this size, that's easily a healthy 3rd.

The other thing I noticed is the lack of trouble. In fact the whole place has a friendly chilled vibe. Saying that, the doormen actually look like doormen, and not ex Primark security. Again, a lucky accident, due to the happy music, and the fact that the doormen WILL say no to drunks (unlike Fusion or Play).

It's not hard to see why this venue fills as fast as it does. The staff want to be there, the DJ wants to be there, and the management / owners have managed to create 2 weekend nights that pull people in.

And the best part is. They don't even look like they're trying.   05-02-13
